Unhappy in his job and unlucky in love, Joko reunites with a childhood friend and gets the spark of hope he needs to win back his ex-girlfriend.
A cop returns to the job. A serial killer too returns to the job.
Hareesh and Reshmi are an immigrant couple from Kerala working in a medical gloves factory near Delhi. During the COVID-19 lockdowns, when an old video resurfaces among the factory workers, it opens up a Pandora’s box that threatens the couple’s jobs and marriage. As desperation and hostility mounts, they confront their own needs and desires while torn between a life of conscie...
A sound designer finds refuge from broken relationships with her ex, her colleagues and her mother in the studio, where she can spend hours recording Foley and wild tracks, editing and mixing.But is her brain starting to slip out of sync?
Detective Michael Tabb knows the city of St. Louis inside and out. He has felt its true heart, as much as its dark underbelly: but he does not know who, in both the dark and light - is taking the lives of young girls. He only knows that their burned and broken bodies are washing ashore along the Mississippi River, never to return home. He wears the scars of the one time he got ...
一段跨界之爱,照亮两个年轻的生命。青涩的巴勒斯坦大学生尼莫(尼古拉斯·雅各布 Nicholas Jacob 饰)暗中潜入以色列,在特拉维夫的同志酒吧邂逅了帅气逼人的律师罗伊(迈克尔·阿洛尼 Michael Aloni 饰)。当尼莫取得学生签证可以合法出入以色列后,他和罗伊迅速陷入一段难以自拔的热恋中。然 而随着感情升温,阻力也随之而来。对尼莫来说,巴勒斯坦不耻他的性取向,以色列不承认他的身份;由于有一个激进暴力的哥哥,他更被以色列特工部门列入黑名单,签证也因此被吊销。罗伊倾尽所能为尼莫奔走,却遭到来自官方的恐吓;而尼莫的秘密也似乎被家人窥破,生命陷入空前危险中。这份暗夜中的爱情最终能否冲破阻碍、拥抱光明?
从高中就是闺蜜的两人上大学后一起在首尔租屋生活,家境普通的素真到处打工维持生活的同时,小康家庭的智妍在大学里因外表成为风云人物。 智妍因缺钱拜托素真介绍可以短期赚钱的工作给她,于是素真带着智妍到她常去的KTV陪酒,而智妍也因出众外貌使她越赚越多,然而这样的 工作多在晚上,所以智妍为了补眠拜托素真早上帮自己上课点名,两人的生活就像对调般,素真也渐渐的与智妍男友有了交集,三人的关系变得微妙,一场 变调的生日派对,两人的生活开始崩坏。